
Complete Guide to PR Stunts

When trying to come up with ideas for a PR stunt, referring to some that have been successful in the past is a good starting point. The more recent they are, the greater the chance that they appeal to today’s audience. In 2017 and 2018, there were some innovative creations in PR that can offer inspiration to companies looking to stage their own stunts. Here are some of them.

There have been a number of companies in the last few years trying to make a name for themselves in digital spaces and grab the attention of the target audience. Given the vast amount of brands that are trying to compete for the attention of audiences all over the world, the market has become more and more crowded. To effectively reach audiences, some of the companies inside and outside of the ice cream space decided to pull some interesting publicity stunts.

A PR or publicity stunt is a large and coordinated professional or amateur...

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pr trends
pr trends

Latest PR Trends

Just like every other industry, the trends in public relations can be influenced by a variety of things such as technology, preferences from the customers, expectations from employees, and more. And as all of those elements are changing, so should the PR strategies that companies are using so they can adapt and cater to everyone’s needs.

For instance, in the past, a number of companies were used to having separate public relations departments internally, but these days, those departments are divided into public relations and marketing and both departments have shared responsibilities, especially in terms of any potential negative responses from the customers.

Just like every other industry, the trends in public relations can be...

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public relations publicity
public relations publicity

Using Public Relations for Publicity

No matter the size of a business, every company depends on its reputation to achieve success. That’s what makes public relations a key tool for managing businesses and helping them improve their public images. 

Publicity can reach a big audience, which gives companies a bigger platform as well as more credibility. Yet this tool is often overlooked. Plenty of companies aren’t sure how to integrate public relations into their marketing efforts and haven’t fully grasped the benefits of PR to a business.

No matter the size of a business, every company depends on its reputation to...

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cybersecurity pr
cybersecurity pr

Effective PR Strategies for Cybersecurity Companies

Threats these days are a lot more different compared to how they used to be in the past, and with different types of cyber threats,  innovative technology companies are also being developed in the cyber security industry that can help other businesses defend themselves from threats and attacks.

Companies always have to be prepared before they get into a crisis situation, whether that’s facing the consequences of a damaged reputation due to malfunctioning products, or because of cyber attacks.

Threats these days are a lot more different compared to how they used to be in...

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The Story Funnel
The Story Funnel

Main Stages of a Marketing Funnel

There’s a big difference between website visitors that are interacting with a business for the very first time, compared to someone that regularly visits a website. These two types of people have different questions, which means they expect different things from a business. To ensure that both types of website visitors get the right experience, or content at the right time companies need to create marketing funnels. With the help of a marketing funnel companies can get a better understanding of what the target audience wants to see at different stages of their buying journey.

According to studies, most companies tend to create marketing funnel content for the awareness stage of their customers whether via direct mail campaigns or public relations campaigns compared to the middle or bottom stages of the buying journey.

There's a big difference between website visitors that are interacting with a...

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conversational marketing strategy
conversational marketing strategy

What Exactly Is Conversational Marketing?

The rapid changes in technology have brought about rapid changes in customer demands and behavior.

For this reason, marketing professionals now need to create new strategies without any kind of guideline present.

The rapid changes in technology have brought about rapid changes in customer...

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marketing strategy
marketing strategy

Effective PR Strategies for Saas Companies

In a world where technology has changed how business is conducted, SaaS companies must establish a solid public relations strategy. PR is an essential part of any business’s marketing strategy and is even more crucial for Saas companies.

In today’s digital world, it’s more important than ever for SaaS companies to establish an effective public relations strategy. This has been the case for a while now because successful Saas brands have found ways to use PR to their advantage.

In a world where technology has changed how business is conducted, SaaS...

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lead generation
lead generation

Effective Lead Generation Strategies

Acquiring new customers and generating more leads has gotten increasingly more expensive in the last few years for many businesses.

Fortunately, with the right strategies, companies can more effectively generate leads and convert them into paying customers.

Acquiring new customers and generating more leads has gotten increasingly more...

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Public Relations