chat bots
chat bots

Brand Image and Chatbots

When most people think about brand-building campaigns, viral videos, and PR stunts, they tend to think about the examples from businesses in the B2C industry. This could be because companies in the B2C industry have shown that their consumers matter to them, or because those companies need to stand out from the competitors and become memorable.

On the other hand, in the B2B industry, the purchasing decisions of the consumers tend to be largely influenced by longevity and return on investment (ROI), instead of on trends and statements. Nevertheless, the core purchasing beliefs are the same with both types of audiences – consumers prefer to spend money with brands that they trust and like. That’s why companies in the B2B industry should be investing in establishing a unique brand image. For many, the professional image they’ve had for years seems to be coming to an end.

When most people think about brand-building campaigns, viral videos, and PR...

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Public Relations Measurement
Public Relations Measurement

Measuring Public Relations

We hear all the time how important public relations are, but are there reliable methods to gauge its effectiveness? After all, for an expensive service, it had better be providing something. Although its harder to measure the efficacy of PR efforts than it is to measure or the same statistics for say, advertising, there are many ways to measure PR interval, the reach and success of a Public Relations message.

The top ways of measuring PR interval success in are:

We hear all the time how important public relations are, but are there...

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Empathizing with Consumers
Empathizing with Consumers

Empathizing with Consumers

There is no excuse not to understand consumers in order to empathize with them.

As uncertainties associated with the pandemic remain the norm, businesses must be aware of consumers’ emotional state, and lead with empathy in all marketing and advertising efforts.

There is no excuse not to understand consumers in order to empathize with...

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brand message
brand message

Brand Messaging Made Simple

Many business professionals these days still believe that they should use as many words as possible to convey a message. However, the truth is that excessive use of buzzwords or industry jargon tends to be counterproductive to a brand’s message.

The more words that are added, the more complicated a brand’s message is going to become.

Many business professionals these days still believe that they should use as...

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How to Create a Winning Public Relations Pitch
How to Create a Winning Public Relations Pitch

How to Create a Winning Public Relations Pitch

Every day, reporters and other media gatekeepers are inundated with press releases, emails, and social media messages, each one vying for attention. When a brand is part of that massive submission blizzard, they need a way to stand out. But how? Is there a sure-fire way to know you will get the attention of the right media gatekeeper at the right time?

Well, nothing is entirely foolproof and there are no guarantees, but there are a few steps that, when put into consistent practice, will certainly increase the odds of a release getting notice and not getting permanently shelved.

Every day, reporters and other media gatekeepers are inundated with press...

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college marketing
college marketing

Capturing the College Market

College students are a massive demographic and consist mostly of 18 -24 year olds. Since college students are geographically stagnant for 4 – 5 years, a business has a lot of time to develop branding and marketing aimed specifically at them. However, they also represent one of the world’s most elusive types of customers. They have certain noteworthy characteristics which make them a viable market segment for new product strategies. Given below are some effective ways to market to college students.

1) Trials and samples – College kids like free stuff. Free samples also lead to heightened visibility. Brand ambassadors should often hand out samples at campus-sponsored events, or host their own events where students can try out their products for free. With the pandemic changing everyone’s behaviors, traditional sampling is no longer considered to be a safe practice. Ambassadors have been replaced by vending machines. Students can enter their contact information on a vending machine and receive free samples and coupons for products.

College students are a massive demographic and consist mostly of 18 -24 year...

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communication conversion
communication conversion

Conversion’s through Communication

These days, business communication tends to focus on the customers, and with the sheer number of similar products and services available to them in the market, it’s easy for those customers to switch from one company to another.

Companies that are able to prioritize the customer journey through communication can get a competitive edge because these days, customer support isn’t the only thing that buyers are looking for.

These days, business communication tends to focus on the customers, and with...

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pr campaigns
pr campaigns

Creating Original and Personalized PR Campaign’s

Most companies these days understand how important personalization is when it comes to their PR and marketing campaigns. Consumers these days prefer to interact with any type of content that’s catering to their needs and fits their specific interests. 

Many consumers have reported that they’re also a lot more likely to make purchases from brands that give them personalized offers and recommendations.

Most companies these days understand how important personalization is when it...

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Public Relations