Creating the Ultimate Pinterest PR Campaign

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Countless articles have been written on the importance of sites like Twitter and Facebook to bring customers to your business, but one of the most often neglected is also one of the highest trafficked website on the Internet. Pinterest is growing by the day and drives more traffic than staples like Google+, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Reddit manage combined. With numbers that top many of the traditional social media sites, if your company doesn’t have a Pinterest page, you are missing out on a massive opportunity.

Creating the Ultimate Pinterest Public Relations Campaign

Be Visual

Unlike Twitter or even Facebook and Google+, Pinterest is driven by pictures. People will share the content you create if it is visually interesting, and that also means making your pictures large and high quality. Small icons will not cut it on Pinterest. The more attention your images receive, the more likely they will be shared by others.

Keep Your Context

Yes, Pinterest is a visual site, but your photos should have some context to the business you are promoting. In some way or another, they should make it clear to other Pinterest users that this image came from that company or is in some way related to it. Not unlike public relations in the form of press releases, if there is no mention of the business, then your work has done little to promote it to the public.

Use the Site Set-Up to Your Advantage

Pinterest is different from most other social media sites, so you must treat it differently than other sites. Unlike the scrolling dash of Facebook, Pinterest contains rows of images or groupingsinto separate boards, and you want to be sure they appear on your page how and in what order you want them. You should also be sure to include a “Pin It” button on your images to ensure they can be easily shared throughout the site.

Location, Location, Location

Facebook and Google aren’t the only companies with a focus on location. Pinterest allows its users the option to set up special community boards. On these special boards, you can promote local events, activities or groups. By showing a company’s ties to the local area, you will draw in potential customers that live near the business’s physical location.

You can also use Pinterest to make connections to other businesses in the area, such as the staff’s favorite restaurant around the corner or the dry cleaner that takes care of their professional attire. This works much the same way that promoting local events does to bring in nearby customers, but it also engenders the company to other businesses in your area and potential reciprocal recommendations.

Branch Out

Of course, you want to get attention for the brand and business, but don’t be afraid to pin images that are related to the business but not part of it. For example, a computer repair company’s board could include posts relating to technology trends or a bakery could include party or wedding photos or tips. These related posts may bring customers in to the board where they can see the work that the business does.

Be Social

It seems like this one should be the most obvious of all of the tips, but it is a tip that is easily overlooked. Keep the company’s account active and make it a two-way street with the people that visit their Pinterest board. Remember that Pinterest, like all social media, is a different kind of platform, and traditional public relations methods don’t always translate well. Before you post anything, be sure it is something you would want to read or see if you knew nothing about the company and weren’t invested in it. Try to “mingle” like you would at a dinner party rather than behind a podium giving a presentation.

Using Pinterest as a public relations tool is not difficult as long as you recognize it for the unique medium it is. Be active and engaging, keep your posts visually appealing, and you will find word of mouth (as well as your number of re-pins) growing.

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