

ThriftBooks is the largest online seller of previously owned books. The team was hired to take advantage of the passionate macro-trends of reading to drive awareness, growth, followers, and ultimately, sales and LTV.

Driven by the well-established marketing principle that consumers prefer to support brands who align with their values, the team developed a marketing and content strategy that was laser-focused on building ThriftBooks as the leader in turning a single book into a community experience by de-limiting its potential.



Using a combination of the company's own people, UGC, and creators, 5W Digital developed a data-informed, sentiment-led message map. Also - indicative of how resourceful and committed the team is to its clients - some of those creators included members of the ThriftBooks team. Here's a link to one such post.

We aligned this message map with different channels, Instagram, Facebook-and of course, TikTok's #BookTok-each demanding executions bespoke to their design and audiences. #BookTok is of note; beginning with a focus on young-adult fiction, it rapidly exploded to revolutionize bookselling across the board, becoming a core partner to the team.

The ever-trending message map included:

  • Seasonal moments like holiday giving, Mother's Day, beach-reading.
  • Insights into ThriftBooks, like how they process thousands of books a day.
  • Genres like young adult, crime, romance.
  • Building trust in quality.
  • UGC; passionate consumers singing the praises of the pages.
  • Featured writers.
  • Newsjacking.
  • 545%

    Increase in audience size


    Million+ video content views


    Increase in conversion rate


    Throughout the campaign, ThriftBooks was launched and scaled to become the number-one bookselling brand on TikTok, establishing a dedicated, closed community for super loyalists of 15,000 and increasing its social media impression by 327% and engagements by 108%.

    See how 5W helped ThriftBooks capture and grow a dedicated fan base with dynamic social media strategies as their digital marketing agency.