HiBob is an HR tech company that allows organizations to bridge the gap between managers, employees, and HR teams, with the platform resembling more of a social media site than traditional HCM software.
Founded in Tel Aviv in 2015 and growing internationally since, HiBob tasked 5W with establishing their U.S. presence by building media profiles around their executives, supporting the release of company news and data studies, and positioning executives as thought leaders. 5W kicked off the program with a Series A+ funding round and has seen significant media coverage year-after-year since then.

5W identified multiple opportunities for HiBob media mentions in the U.S. To support financial news, embargo and exclusive pitching strategies were employed to penetrate both business and HR tech media outlets. In addition to announcement support, thought leadership outreach has driven high-impact coverage for HiBob, with the team leveraging spokespeople ranging from HiBob co-founder and CEO Ronni Zehavi to numerous others such as former CMO Rhiannon Staples, current CMO Sarah Reynolds, and Director of People + Culture Annie Rosencrans. Their industry insight has delivered impactful intel for topics including the gender pay gap, quiet quitting and quiet vacationing, the Great Resignation, employee engagement, employee monitoring, workforce management, DEI&B/inclusivity, the growth of the HR tech market, and how to shine as a remote employee.
5W also works with HiBob to create and field data studies, with annual reports looking at Gen Z in the tech sector and women in the workplace. These are pitched under embargo and used for thought leadership throughout the year - whether it's phone/Zoom interviews, written comments, or bylined articles.
5W has positioned HiBob as a leader in share of voice, achieving 10.1 billion earned media impressions in under three ears. Outlets HiBob has been featured in include Fast Company, Forbes, Fortune, Financial Times, Inc., Elite Daily, TechRepublic, The New York Post, HR Brew, FOX Business, Newsweek, HR Morning, HR Dive, and many more.
Since partnering with 5W, HiBob has grown from a startup to an industry unicorn, and now stands as one of the highest-valued private companies in its sector.
5W Public Relations has transformed HiBob into a recognized leader in the HR tech industry, achieving over 10.1 billion earned media impressions and positioning executives as thought leaders. Learn how our HR Tech strategies can elevate your brand and drive impactful media coverage.