PopSockets, founded by a philosophy professor, created the expandable phone grip category-sockets that POP. Like many innovators, it was in
danger of losing relevance to a fickle Gen Z audience; it was also vulnerable to cheap knockoffs that flooded the market.
The Ask:
5W was tasked with developing trend-right positioning that would have an immediate impact and at the same time could extend in the future.

The Idea Trigger:
PopSockets had been working on a plant-based product for several years, but it wasn't an earned media priority. 5W reframed the opportunity.
Recognizing that Gen Z and Millennials were focused on sustainably-made products-accountability is the new fashion-5W leveraged PopSockets'
new plant-based products to bring fresh energy and a radical repositioning to the brand.
Headlined 'The Future is Plant-Based', this was a fully integrated launch for its PlantCoretm grips and cases, featuring the fact that PopSockets became a Climate Neutral Certified Company.
Extending its program to the wellness benefits of plants, PopSockets teamed up with Partnership for a Healthier America to provide up to one million servings of fresh fruits and vegetables for families in need.
The Big Push:
This idea was built with the power and effectiveness of influencers in mind, so 5W reached out to high-profile social leaders to amplify the story.
Simultaneously, the team pre-seeded products at major broadcast, print, and digital outlets to secure broad product coverage.
The campaign achieved its goal of restoring PopSockets to its rightful place in the cool continuum. The media responded instantly to the unexpected news of this beloved fun and fashionable product becoming an environmental leader. 5W secured placements in outlets targeting younger consumers, as well as parent purchasers, including USA Today, CBS News, BuzzFeed, Digiday, CNet, The Spruce, Reviewed, Martha Stewart Living, Men's Health, Business Insider, and more.
The volume of attention, more than 4.5 media impressions in less than two months, far exceeded any prior PopSockets earned media coverage, including its high-intensity launch period.
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