5 Digital Insights Trends We Are Seeing

Digital PR
5 Digital Trends 09.13.22

When it comes to investing in digital marketing, it’s vital for companies to stay on top of the latest trends to guide their strategies. Below are five digital marketing trends we are keeping an eye on and think you should, too.


According to a recent report from Oracle, more than 90% of consumers want to see humor from the companies they do business with, however, most companies don’t deliver on that demand. In fact, according to the same report, most customers are a lot more likely to remember companies if they find their ads to be funny and tend to choose the companies that provide them with humor, compared to those that don’t.

Research has also shown that humor can be used to improve the relationship that a company has with its target audience, as most customers tend to prefer doing business with brands that are funny with their marketing and social media communication efforts. You want to be friends with someone who makes you laugh, right?

Admittedly, using humor in marketing can be tricky, given how subjective it is, but companies should do so in a way that feels on-brand. If it feels natural for you, consumers will feel the same way. Humor is simply another tool in the digital marketing


In the last year, Pinterest started shifting from simply being a digital image board toward investing more into different options for its creators, especially with the launch of its Idea Pins. This new feature allowed users on the platform to share their stories with a combination of images, video, as well as music, which has resulted in a type of content that’s a mix of the short videos often found on TikTok, and Instagram Stories that have several different pages of content.

Now, Pinterest has announced that it’s opening up the new content format to companies, as they can now advertise with Idea Ads. The new ad format is created to give companies a new way to connect with their target audiences on the platform and generate more website traffic. Ecommerce companies will now have another avenue to reach consumers.


Recently, Twitter announced that it would be releasing a brand-new shopping feature titled Product Drops, which will allow companies to tease and promote new product launches inside the platform.

The consumers are going to start seeing a new button on the Product Drop tweets, where they can choose to enable alerts from the app that are going to remind them before the new product launches so they can make a purchase.


Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, has announced they are increasing the capabilities of Instagram Reels. Users can “remix” other content posted on Instagram into their own videos. The idea is to provide more collaboration and storytelling opportunities, such as offering commentary on someone else’s video. Also, users can incorporate public photos into their own Reels. Brands should consider taking a multimedia approach to their marketing.


Finally, the latest digital marketing trend comes from LinkedIn. They are giving companies access to their new visual templates for use on their pages.

These templates allow companies to stand out in their feeds. LinkedIn is also adding new comment and reply options, stickers that link to the company’s web pages, and more features to drive engagement. We see here that LinkedIn is trying to keep up with the other social media platforms by becoming more like them, as opposed to strictly being for professionals and thought leaders.

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