How to Create an Influencer Campaign Brief

campaign brief 03.27.22

Most of the time these days, the word influencer gets thrown around and is generally perceived as an easy way for companies to improve their promotional campaigns. However, that’s not quite the case. All influencer campaigns require research and community building beforehand, as well as figuring out who are the right influencers that companies can work with.

Businesses that are looking to connect with their target audience in an authentic and genuine way can work with influencers on promotional campaigns to help make those connections easier. However, when developing an influencer campaign, it’s important that businesses also create their campaign brief with certain essential elements.


The first step when developing a promotional influencer campaign is to first find the right people. That means companies should be joining and actively looking on social media platforms to find the right influencers, as well as the way that those influencers are using the platforms.

The time when companies could use a single campaign across every channel is long gone, and these days, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok are all utilized in different ways. Not only that, but companies should also research whether the people that follow certain influencers are in line with a company’s own target audience. That way, companies can successfully integrate the influencer’s audience into the business too, even if the followers aren’t too familiar with a brand.


After a company figures out which influencers have the right target audience that aligns with the company’s own target audience, it’s important to understand the way that the influencer connects with that audience. In most cases, content is king, and influencers understand that, including the fact that social media trends are constantly changing and evolving.

In fact, trends can change in a matter of hours, which means no one should jump on the bandwagon too late if they want to reap the benefits of an engaged audience. All of that means companies should either come up with content ideas and formats that are evergreen, yet touch on a timely trend, or find influencers that are willing to take some risks and make content on the fly to join the latest trends.


Once the influencer and the type of content for the campaign have been established, it’s time to get creative around the subject of the piece, or pieces, of content that the company and the influencer will be working on together. There are plenty of options when it comes to developing creative content, and if a business gets stuck at any point, it’s easy to draw inspiration from other companies that have used similar strategies in the past for their own campaigns.

However, at the end of the day, the content should be true to the brand’s identity as well as the identity of the influencer. It’s important to remember that both influencers and brands have committed followers that continuously expect to see certain types of content, and changing those types of content can appear disingenuous to the audience.


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