What Exactly Is Conversational Marketing?

Public Relations
conversational marketing strategy 08.16.22

The rapid changes in technology have brought about rapid changes in customer demands and behavior.

For this reason, marketing professionals now need to create new strategies without any kind of guideline present.

Traditional methods of engaging the customer may not work in this day and age, and new tools are constantly being developed to help marketers achieve their goals. One of the newer tools is the use of conversational marketing.

What is Conversational Marketing?

Conversational marketing refers to a new approach to marketing that is customer-centric and dialogue-driven.

The main purpose of conversational marketing is to drive user engagement, add value to the user’s experience, and ultimately help drive sales and profit. Brands engage in one-on-one conversations with their clients, which helps them gain insights that can be applied to scalable technology such as AI chatbots.

Use Of Conversational AI

Nowadays, a large number of brands and companies of all sizes use AI to streamline their customer service.

Conversational AIs use machine learning and natural language processing to converse and have unique interactions with the customers.

Chatbots help a company provide personalized interactions to the customers on a very large scale, thereby increasing customer satisfaction and reducing overhead costs.

Conversational AI may also be used to help the customers select products that suit their needs or assist the customer in other ways.

Benefits of Conversational Marketing

A brand should consider using conversational marketing for the following reasons:

  • Conversational marketing improves customer satisfaction – Conversational marketing provides the customer with a personalized experience and also increases engagement. At this junction, most customers expect brands to keep up with the current times – including incorporating the new digital technologies that are being developed. Not using a chatbot can put a company at a serious disadvantage when it comes to competition.
  • Builds customer relationship – It requires a lot of effort from the brand to build trust among the customers. Currently, almost 41% of customers believe that brands do not consider the society’s well-being while making a decision. Therefore, a potential customer is quite likely to view a brand with distrust unless the brand proves otherwise. Listening to their customers is one crucial way a brand builds trust. The use of chatbots makes addressing customers’ needs and queries a much easier task for the brand.
  • Provides useful business strategy – Through conversational marketing, a company can gain useful information that would direct them to their goals. The insights that conversational marketing provides can help the brand advertise better, create products that meet the customer’s demands, and optimize their owned media platforms or websites. It can also provide insight into marketing campaigns and customer feedback.
  • Allows the business to scale – Conversational marketing allows a brand to have unique interactions with its customers without needing additional support staff. It lets the brand scale rapidly because conversational marketing helps cut costs of hiring more personnel while still providing personalized conversations. As the brand grows rapidly, conversational marketing allows it to scale while requiring smaller and smaller investments each time.
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