Latest PR Trends

Public Relations
pr trends 09.19.22

Just like every other industry, the trends in public relations can be influenced by a variety of things such as technology, preferences from the customers, expectations from employees, and more. And as all of those elements are changing, so should the PR strategies that companies are using so they can adapt and cater to everyone’s needs.

For instance, in the past, a number of companies were used to having separate public relations departments internally, but these days, those departments are divided into public relations and marketing and both departments have shared responsibilities, especially in terms of any potential negative responses from the customers.

While the marketing and public relations departments used to operate separately in the past, these days they have to work together to ensure that the company is making unified promotional messages for the target audience and meeting its business goals.

Consumer Focus

One of the biggest trends in 2020 in terms of public relations is a change from focusing on the company releasing its latest products or services, to focusing on its customers and their specific needs and pain points. This type of shift has allowed businesses to start focusing on the experiences of the target audience, both in the real world and the digital world, which helps companies keep a better cultural connection to the public. Despite the ongoing pandemic, globalization hasn’t stopped, and this trend of focusing on the customers ensures that all of the different cultures are going to be accepted and engaged with in different ways and in real-time.

This gives public relations a great opportunity to make impactful decisions for the target audiences. With the evolution of technology, companies have generated a lot more data, which can inspire the creation of a lot more ideas, as well as increase the reach of those creative ideas. Additionally, the two-way communication opportunities that a number of platforms provide to their users are a great way for companies to figure out ways to create better communication with their target audiences and respond to their needs, which can improve the overall PR efforts. This consumer-focused trend has become a lot more popular as of late, and it gives way to a lot of public relations opportunities for companies.


One of the most important public relations elements is communicating with media outlets as well as journalists. However, to be able to communicate with them, companies first need to understand all the different ones. For example, when a company creates a piece of content for publication, it’s then up to the public relations department to share this piece of content with the right journalists and outlets. That’s why it’s so important for companies to know exactly where they need to send those pieces of contact that they’ve created. To that end, companies that have a better understanding of journalists and media outlets can get a lot more success from their PR efforts. That’s because different media outlets and journalists have been focusing on different topics, which means that not every journalist or outlet is going to be suitable for the content that the company is creating and wants to share with the public.

Additionally, companies also need to keep track of the target audiences that they’ll be able to reach with different outlets. That’s why when a company is creating a pitch it should make sure that that pitch is going to be sent out to the right journalists that are relevant to the industry or the topic that’s being discussed in it. For example, a fintech journalist isn’t going to talk about topics in the health tech industry. That’s why companies need to keep track of the right journalists and outlets because otherwise, they end up wasting their time and resources.


The public relations industry has already started moving toward a more data-driven approach in terms of choosing strategies and creating campaigns. However, when it comes to utilizing data in practice, there are still some kinks that need to be worked out. In fact, using data-driven approaches is relatively new in public relations, especially in terms of the different advancements of tools and technologies in the realm of data analytics. Plenty of companies have started turning their attention to big data in the last few years, with a lot of brands investing in tools to acquire more data, which never seems to be enough. That’s because companies still need tools that will help them work through and with all the data that has been generated.

That means companies need to get their hands on tools and technologies that won’t only collect data, but effectively track, analyze, customize, and apply it. Doing so in terms of public relations will allow companies to get much better insights into the behaviors of their customers, which can, in turn, improve all of the personalization efforts and targeted messaging that companies are trying to create. With more targeted and meaningful messages for the customers, companies can go a long way and make a bigger impact on their target audiences, so they can stay at the top of their minds.

Department Coordination

Although this is a trend that started happening in the last two years, this year, and in the future, it’s going to become a lot more important for businesses to operate. Coordinating across different departments and synchronizing promotional campaigns will ensure that companies have a higher impact on their target audiences and present their campaigns at the right times in a cost-effective manner while increasing their return on investment (ROI). Public relations on its own is only one element of a larger promotional effort from every business which is why it needs to be coordinated with other departments.

Companies can improve their overall PR campaigns by utilizing social media strategies, content strategies, marketing strategies, and plenty of other elements that can help them make their personal last messages reach their target audiences at the right time. What used to be seen as a successful PR campaign in the past is quite different from the successful PR campaigns these days. In fact, today public relations has touchpoints with plenty of other departments inside of business including social media, marketing, content, and more. When companies are able to synchronize all of the different departments and times correctly through coordination and communication, they’re going to be a lot more successful in their overall public relations efforts.

Remote Work

The pandemic has affected the daily lives of everyone around the world, with one of the biggest that’s been impacted being remote work. However, combining the living space with an office space into a single room has greatly impacted both companies and their customers. More specifically, the work ethic that many people have has been changing drastically as many have started blending their living and office spaces together. This has resulted in minimized boundaries in terms of the times of day, which means many people tend to work longer hours when they’re trying to work from home. However, the most important thing that companies need to pay attention to in terms of remote work is how people have changed their everyday schedules so they can get the most out of their day in this new type of lifestyle.

Many people have started thinking outside the box and working outside of an established work ethic while working remotely. For instance, the journalists that used to work on the basis of the content that they create, instead of text hours have started changing the hours in preference to securing content they need to publish. That means the companies that want to pitch content to those journalists need to start following their schedules more closely, so they can reach out to the journalists at the right time and get their stories heard.


Sharing disinformation or fake news can be dangerous for both companies and their customers in terms of public relations. That’s why companies need to start paying a lot more attention to the amount of false information in digital spaces and try to mitigate any potential crisis they might cause. To do that, companies need to start investing in social listening and data analytics tools and platforms. This way they can ensure they have a data-driven approach, while also preventing any potential damage to their reputations. Social listening tools and data analytics gives companies the ability to monitor social spaces and manage all of the content in a way that’s going to be a lot more trustworthy and authentic in the eyes of the target audience. Companies can also target any potentially harmful content they find and solve any issues before that content can reach a large number of people.

How PR Has Been Changing

Companies these days have a lot of opportunities when it comes to generating media coverage, especially in digital spaces. This coverage also ensures that the businesses will have a two-way method of communication with their target audiences that wasn’t as readily available to them in the past. However, to get any sort of media coverage and reach their target audiences, companies have to utilize the right PR strategies, as well as stay on top of any emerging and popular trends in the public relations space. With the right strategies, companies can get their brands exposed in front of millions of potential consumers, while still building awareness and creating trusting relationships with those consumers. Additionally, many of those potential consumers are also a lot more willing to respond to companies and their brand image and relate to the strategies they’re using.

Between strategies like choosing the right types of content that are going to cater to the audience, and creating personalized content that will generate the interest of consumers, companies also have to start investing in thought leadership, as well as digital PR efforts to ensure that their overall promotional campaigns are able to achieve a lot more success. A combination of the right strategies can help companies improve their search engine results page rankings, engage with consumers through meaningful and valuable content, generate more exposure and brand recognition, attract more consumers, get third-party validation, and more. Additionally, with the number of changes that have happened in the world in the last few years, as well as the PR industry specifically, companies also have to stay on top of any emerging or popular trends so they can utilize them and generate more success.

Content Types

The fact that the global pandemic forced everyone around the globe to stay in their homes has affected the entire world in various ways, with the main one being the way people do their daily activities and tasks. These days, most people tend to spend a lot of time in front of the screens of their tech devices which has made companies acknowledge the increasing importance of different types of content they can share. While every company should be using the tech that’s available to nurture the relationship it has with the target audience, different types of content are the best way to do that.

The public relations strategies that companies are using have now increased in dynamic because they can implement their key messages, branding, products, or services into different types of visual or audio content. Businesses can also customize all of that content in a specific way so that it reaches each segment of their target audiences through the things that they find interesting. For instance, companies can work with influencers on YouTube, Instagram, or TikTok, or become guests on podcasts to push their brands into a form of entertainment that’s relevant to the specific segment of the audience that enjoys them, that companies are tiring to reach.

Personalized Content

With practically everyone being able to access the internet these days, e-commerce has been immensely growing and becoming more accessible. The same thing is true

for public relations campaigns which means companies have to keep in mind that they are entering a very competitive environment when they’re creating and distributing content. However, companies need to be focused on their outreach efforts so they can make sure they’re able to both reach their target audiences and cater to their needs or interests. It’s relatively easy to focus on outreach if a company is utilizing the right SEO strategies such as keywords, backlinks, and more. Additionally, companies should be sharing their content on the right channels to increase reach, as well as their rankings on search engine results pages. However, aside from all of that, businesses must personalize the content they create if they want to be successful because sending tailored messages to consumers can greatly impact their purchasing decisions.

Also, through personalized content, companies can share every different piece on different channels so they can reach their target audiences. The best way for companies to create personalized content is to base it on data and analytics and the insights that companies get from that information. Since consumers tend to use a variety of communication platforms when looking for relevant and engaging content that they find interesting, when companies are able to create personalized content for them, they can place themselves right in front of their audiences. Additionally, through personalized content, companies can also engage with their audiences a lot better, as well as connect with journalists and media outlets more, as the content will be based on data and insights.

Digital PR

The main point about digital PR is that it’s able to help companies increase their exposure and visibility. This type of promotional strategy uses the traditional principles of public relations in digital spaces. Although most people tend to focus on the SEO aspects of promotion, it’s not quite just that, even though it is very important. The biggest benefit of utilizing digital PR is that companies can keep track of the performance of their PR efforts in digital spaces through their SEO strategies too. Elements such as search engine ranking, keywords, and link building are all helpful ways that companies can measure the success of their digital RP efforts. To that end, it’s important to keep track of the details of this trend, and these days, it’s a lot easier for businesses to stay on top of all the real-time data that’s available from different platforms that show the performance of a PR campaign.

With the number of platforms, software, and tools that are available to businesses these days, it’s become a lot easier to generate insights from all the different data points. Additionally, keeping track of those data points is what helps companies make future digital PR campaigns a lot more effective because focusing on a data-driven approach in PR can help the performance of promotional efforts. There are different types of performance metrics that companies can stay on top of with digital PR, such as their engagement rates on different platforms, the messaging and whether they’re effective with the customers, and more. Lastly, with the help of this type of data-driven PR approach, companies can build a lot more credibility and trust with their audiences, which ensures better SEO scores, more brand trust, website traffic, leads, consumers, and overall success.

Bylined Articles

Although the public has increased its demand for digital content in recent years, there’s also been a decrease in full-time employment across the media industry at the same time. That means many media outlets are now facing a shortage of reporters and journalists that are able to create content and give companies plenty of opportunities to start stepping into those types of roles. Companies can work with freelancers that will create content for them that will ensure the reach of their PR campaigns. Since most journalists and reporters that are working full time these days tend to focus on big news stories and articles, every other type of content is available to be filled in by companies, which means businesses can share their brand image in those spaces. To do that, companies need to invest in thought leadership, and as stated previously, even work with freelancers that will create content for businesses that are going to be widely distributed by relevant media outlets that are looking for that type of content. In fact, this trend in PR is only going to continue to grow and change the way that both PR and the media industry are cooperating.

Fortunately, many consumers also tend to receive bylined articles from businesses that are focused on thought leadership efforts relatively well. For companies, that means they’re able to reach their target audiences through credible and authoritative outlets that have a high demand for outside content, and many of them are looking to engage with pitches from businesses too.

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